Shenandoah Stories

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The congregation that became Emmanuel Lutheran Church began in 1790, when Reverend Paul Henkel founded the Davidson Lutheran Church in New Market. In 1820 Samuel S. Schmucker, a Yale Graduate became the church’s new minister. Soon afterwards the…

After Pearl Harbor Americans feared that their communities could be targeted by the enemy, so a civil defense organization was created. Though officials realized the risk of attack was slight, they supported Civil Defense to help monitor military…

Sometime around 1870 Mt. Jackson's African American population banded together to form what would become Calvary Methodist Church. By 1889 they had been able to construct their own church building and to support the local African American school…

Founded in 1823 after a disastrous fire, the Woodstock Fire Department is an all-volunteer organization that serves the residents of Woodstock and Shenandoah County. From approximately 1883 until today the fire department has been located on Court…

In 1955 Triplett and Vehrencamp closed their downtown store and reopened under the name Vehrencamp's on the north end of town. This new structure had been operating as the Rinker Brother's Filling Station but originally had been the Mt. Jackson…

The original Lantz Mill was constructed in the early 19th century by the Holler family. They had received a land grant from Lord Fairfax in the late 18th century and moved here to farm the land. The existence of Stoney Creek provided them with an…