Shenandoah Stories

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On October 22, 1869 the Shenandoah Herald newspaper noted Samuel Bowman was “laying in a large supply of goods” and would soon open his new store on the “main street of Hamburg.” This building included the store originally included the store…

In 1907 the Strasburg Textile Manufacturing Company opened on this site. The company manufactured various finished silk products. In 1934 Charles Platt and his son Nathan Platt purchased the company and focused on producing silk casket linings using…

In 1920 Toms Brook residents gathered together to form the Bank of Toms Brook. Initially the institution had over $165,000 worth of loans, deposits, and securities. The state of Virginia notes that in 1922, S.B. Miley was the President and J.L.…

In 1931 a group of concerned residents banded together to form the Mt. Jackson Fire Company. Their first fire engine was built on a 1931 Packard touring car chassis by company members. It was stored in a shed owned by Rufus “Boots” Lindamood in the…

In 1938, Burgess Nelson, a local businessman and Gulf Oil Dealer, built this theatre in Mt. Jackson. It was the first purpose built theatre in town and was modeled after the Rosalind Theatre in New York City. The theatre’s popular Art Deco style,…

Mt. Clifton most likely got its name from its imposing position overlooking Mill Creek. It was founded sometime in the middle of the 19th century by George Hammon and his sons. They built and operated a store, flour mill, saw mill, and blacksmith…