Results for subject term "St. Luke (Va)": 4
St. Luke
The village of St. Luke emerged around the local Lutheran Congregation in the late 19th century. By 1879, there was a separate Lutheran Church, school house, and Union Church in the community. Five years later, Lake’s Atlas indicates the village had…
Walker's Cash Store
During the late 19th century, this was the site of Wisman and Dellinger, dealers in dry goods and general merchandise. Sometime in the 1920s, it became known as Walker’s Cash Store. At one point a gas station, clothing department, and garage were…
St. Luke Lutheran Church
Lutheran Ministers began preaching in St. Luke in 1878 when locals formed a congregation separate from the Woodstock Lutheran Church. Their first minister, P. Miller, had a congregation of 42 who met in the Union Church and the local school.
St. Luke Cemetery
Though technically a part of the St. Luke Lutheran Church, this cemetery has served local community members of all denominations since it was founded in 1889. Local families, including the Wismans, Cooks, Gochenours, Shrums, and Clarks are buried…