Headquaters School

In 1891 the Shenandoah County School Board constructed this school near the intersection of what is now Headquaters and Cave Ridge Roads. It was named Headquaters School after the local community which featured a church, stores, and several residences.

The building was a typical school of the time. It was a one-story, frame structure with a tin roof and stone foundation. The interior contained a single classroom and two coat rooms with plaster walls, oil lamp, and stove heat. Restroom facilities and water was located outside.

Approximately 20 students enrolled in grades 1-7 studied here when the school opened. That number would remain fairly consistent for the next four decades.
Students wishing to continue their education after grade seven would have had to attend High School in one of the area towns. Until the early 1930s, this would have required paying tuition and arranging for their own transportation.

In 1939 Headquaters School was closed and students were transferred to Edinburg. The building was heavily damaged in 1975 and partially demolished. It is no longer standing.

